Namespace StockSharp.Xaml
- AboutWindow
The window for browsing application information.
- AdvertisePanel
Panel for advertising action displaying.
- AutoCompletePopUp
A pop-up window to select a suitable instrument.
- BaseApplication
The base class for WPF applications.
- BaseEnumerableEdit
Base IEnumerable editor.
- BaseEnumerableEdit<T>
Base IEnumerable<T> editor.
- BasketPortfolioWindow
The window for portfolios basket editing.
- BuySellGrid
Table control, containing set of BuySellPanel.
- BuySellPanel
Buy/sell operations panel.
- BuySellSettings
Buy/sell settings.
- CachedEnumItemsSource
Cacheable enumeration items source.
- CandleMessageGrid
Table showing (CandleMessage).
- CandlePatternComboBox
Combo box to select ICandlePattern.
- CandlePatternWindow
The window for edit candle pattern.
- ChangePasswordWindow
The window for changing password.
- ColoredIconExtension
Xaml extension to apply color to SVG icons.
- CommissionPanel
The panel for the list editing ICommissionRule.
- CommissionWindow
The window for the list editing ICommissionRule.
- ConnectorInfo
Information about connection.
- ConnectorSupportedMessagesPanel
The panel for modifying SupportedInMessages.
- ConnectorWindow
The window for new connections creating IMessageAdapter.
- ContinuousSecurityWindow
The window for creating or editing ContinuousSecurity.
- DataSourcePanel
Select datasource panel.
- Doc
This class is used to register attached property UrlProperty.
- DriveComboBox
Combo box to select IMarketDataDrive.
- ExchangeBoardsPanel
Editor of exchange boards.
- ExchangesPanel
Editor of exchange boards.
- ExecutionGrid
Table showing (ExecutionMessage).
- ExtendedInfoStorageComboBox
The drop-down list for extended storage selection.
- ExtendedInfoStorageWindow
The extended storage selection window.
- ExtensionInfoWindow
The window for extended information editing extension info.
- Extensions
Extension class.
- GuiLogListener
The logger recording data to visual components (for example, Monitor or LogControl) that require synchronization with the GUI threads when new messages are recorded LogMessage.
- HelpButton
Help button.
- ImportDataMappingButton
Button to open ImportDataMappingWindow.
- ImportDataMappingWindow
The window for editing importing mapping values.
- ImportPreviewWindow
Window for preview of importing data.
- ImportSelectAdapterWindow
Select adapter window.
- ImportSettingsEditor
Editor for ImportSettings.
- ImportSettingsListEditor
Editor for ImportSettings collection.
- ImportSettingsListWindow
The window for the list editing ImportSettings.
- ImportSettingsPanel
The visual panel to edit importing settings.
- ImportSettingsWindow
The window for editing ImportSettings.
- IndexEditor
The graphic control for editing ExpressionIndexSecurity.
- IndexSecurityWindow
The window for editing ExpressionIndexSecurity.
- IndicatorPickerWindow
The indicator selection window.
- IpListEditor
Editor for IPAddress collection.
- Level1FieldsComboBox
The drop-down list to select a set of fields Level1Fields.
- Level1Grid
The table to display a message Level1ChangeMessage.
- LicensePanel
UI component for License.
- LocalizationExtension
StockSharp.Localization binding extension.
- LogControl
The graphical component for logs displaying.
- LogMessageCollection
The debug messages collection.
- MarketDataGrid
The table of available market data.
- MarketDepthControl
The visual control displaying the order book with quotes (IOrderBookMessage).
- MarketRuleGrid
The panel for the list editing IMarketRule.
- Monitor
The component for trading strategies work monitoring.
- MyTradeGrid
A table showing own trades (MyTrade).
- NewsMessageGrid
Table showing (NewsMessage).
- NewsMessagePanel
The visual panel with the news.
- NewsPanel
The visual panel with the news.
- NewsStoryPanel
The visual panel for display Story.
- OptionDesk
Option desk.
- OptionDeskModel
Option desk model.
- OptionDeskRow
The option desk row.
- OrderConditionalWindow
The window for the conditional order creating.
- OrderLogGrid
The table displaying the orders log (IOrderLogMessage).
- OrderWindow
The window for the order creating.
- PermissionCredentialsPanel
The panel for edit credentials.
- PermissionCredentialsWindow
The window for edit credentials.
- PortfolioComboBox
The drop-down list to select portfolio.
- PortfolioDataSource
Data source for portfolio based controls.
- PortfolioGrid
The table showing portfolios and positions.
- PortfolioMessageAdaptersWindow
The window for creation and editing of portfolios and adapters mapping.
- PortfolioPicker
The visual component for Portfolio searching and selection.
- PortfolioPickerWindow
The portfolio selection window.
- PositionChangeGrid
The table to display a message PositionChangeMessage.
- PositionChangeTypesComboBox
The drop-down list to select a set of types PositionChangeTypes.
- PricePoint
Price point.
- ProxySettings
Proxy-server settings.
- QuickOrderPanel
Panel for quick orders transactions.
- RangeListEditor
Editor of time range list.
- RatingWindow
Rating window.
- RiskWindow
The window for the list editing IRiskRule.
- RoutedCommands
Container for routed commands.
- SecretWindow
The window for set the secret.
- SecurityCreateWindow
The window for creating and editing Security.
- SecurityGrid
The table showing financial instruments (Security).
- SecurityIdTextBox
The text field is automatically generating the instrument identifier based on its variable fields Code and Board.
- SecurityJump
Rollover description for the instrument.
- SecurityJumpsEditor
Graphical component for editing of rollovers between instruments.
- SecurityLookupPanel
The instrument search panel.
- SecurityLookupWindow
The instrument search window.
- SecurityMappingPanel
The panel for creation and editing of symbols mapping.
- SecurityMappingWindow
The window for creation and editing of symbols mapping.
- SecurityMessageAdaptersWindow
The window for creation and editing of securities and adapters mapping.
- SecurityPicker
The visual component for Security searching and selection.
- SecurityPickerWindow
The instrument selection window.
- SecurityTypeComboBox
The drop-down list to select the instrument type.
- SessionInfo
- SettingsWindow
Settings window.
- SplashScreenControl
The splash screen for application.
- StatisticParameterGrid
The visual panel to display parameters IStatisticParameter.
- StorageFormatComboBox
The drop-down list to select the instrument type.
- StorageSettingsPanel
The visual panel for storage settings.
- StorageSettingsWindow
The window with hosted StorageSettingsPanel.
- StrategiesDashboard
Strategies dashboard.
- StrategiesDashboardItem
Row item for StrategiesDashboard.
- StrategiesStatisticsPanel
The visual panel to display parameters IStatisticParameter of several strategies.
- SubscriptionCreateWindow
The window for creating and editing Subscription.
- SubscriptionInfo
- SubscriptionPanel
The visual panel for modify subscriptions.
- SupportUnitTypeAttribute
Property attribute to support unit type.
- ThemeExtensions
Extensions for DevExpress.Xpf.Core.Theme.
- ThemeHtmlLabel
HtmlLabel implementation tracks theme changes.
- ThemeImage
Image implementation tracks theme changes.
- ThemeXamlHelper
Theme xaml helper.
- ThemedIconsExtension
Xaml extension to use themed SVG icons.
- TradeGrid
The table showing tick trades (ITickTradeMessage).
- UnitEditor
The control for the class object Unit editing.
- UnitEditorSettings
Edit settings for UnitEditor.
- UnitWindow
The window for editing Unit.
- WithdrawWindow
The window for editing WithdrawInfo.
- WorkingTimeControl
Editor for WorkingTime.
- WpfScheduler<TTask>
Task scheduler used WPF timer.
- ISecurityWindow
The interface that describes a window for trading instrument creating or editing.
- IStrategiesDashboardItem
Row item for StrategiesDashboard.
- ISubscriptionsView
The interface for visual panel for modify subscriptions.
- MarketDepthColumns
Columns of order book window.
- MarketDepthExecuteOn
Market depth action triggers.