Namespace StockSharp.Xaml.Charting
- BubbleChart
The graphical component to display bubble chart.
- CandlePatternElement
Candle pattern chart element.
- CandleSettingsWindow
The window for edit CandleSeries.
- Chart
The graphic component of the candles charts display.
- Chart3D
Chart 3D.
- ChartActiveOrdersElement
The chart element representing active orders.
- ChartAnnotation
- ChartArea
Chart area.
- ChartAxis
The chart axis.
- ChartBandElement
The chart element representing a band.
- ChartBaseViewModel
Base class for chart related view models.
- ChartBubbleElement
The chart element representing bubbles.
- ChartBuilder
Default implementation of IChartBuilder.
- ChartCandleElement
The chart element representing a candle.
- ChartCandleElementPicker
The window for select candle series element.
- ChartDrawData
Chart drawing data.
- ChartDrawData.AnnotationData
Used to transfer annotation draw data.
- ChartDrawData.ChartDrawDataItem
Chart drawing data item.
- ChartElementEditor
The chart elements editor.
- ChartElement<T>
The base class that describes the chart element (indicator, candle, etc.).
- ChartHelper
Extension class for IChart.
- ChartIndicatorElement
The chart element representing the indicator.
- ChartLineElement
The chart element representing a line.
- ChartOrderElement
The chart element representing orders.
- ChartPanel
The extended graphical component for candle charts displaying.
- ChartPanelOrderSettings
Chart order registering settings.
- ChartPanelShareSettings
Chart share (upload image to web) settings.
- ChartPart<T>
The base class that describes the part of the chart.
- ChartThemes
Chart themes.
- ChartTimeFrameNameConverter
Time-frame to readable name converter.
- ChartTradeElement
The chart element representing trades.
- ChartTransactionElement<T>
The base class that describes the Orders Or Trades chart element.
- ChartVolatilitySmileElement
The chart element representing a volatility smile.
- EquityCurveChart
The graphical component to display the equity curve.
- ExtendedBaseApplication
The extended base class for WPF applications.
- HeatmapChart
The graphical component to display the heatmap.
- IndicatorAttribute
Attribute, applied to indicator's painter, to provide information about type of IIndicator.
- LineData<TKey>
Line data.
- OptimizerChart3D
Chart 3D shows optimizer results.
- OptionPositionChart
The chart showing the position and options Greeks regarding to the underlying asset.
- OptionVolatilitySmileChart
Options volatility smile chart.
- ChartDrawData.IndicatorData
Indicator values to draw on chart.
- ChartDrawData.IDrawValue
Interface which represents all chart draw data types.
- IChart3DParameter
Parameter interface for Chart3D.
- IWpfChart
The interface describing the chart control.