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Enum InteractiveBrokersOrderCondition.ExtendedOrderTypes


Extended orders types which are specific to InteractiveBrokersMessageAdapter.

public enum InteractiveBrokersOrderCondition.ExtendedOrderTypes
Extension Methods


[Display(ResourceType = typeof(LocalizedStrings), Name = "ByDefault")] Default = 11

It used for delta neutral orders types.

[Display(ResourceType = typeof(LocalizedStrings), Name = "LimitOnTouch")] LimitIfTouched = 14

With the specified price when the condition is fulfilled.

[Display(ResourceType = typeof(LocalizedStrings), Name = "LimitOnClose")] LimitOnClose = 1

To match at the specified price, if the closing price is higher than the expected price.

[Display(ResourceType = typeof(LocalizedStrings), Name = "MarketOnTouch")] MarketIfTouched = 13

With the market price when the condition is fulfilled.

[Display(ResourceType = typeof(LocalizedStrings), Name = "MarketOnClose")] MarketOnClose = 0

To match at the market price, if the closing price is higher than the expected price.

[Display(ResourceType = typeof(LocalizedStrings), Name = "None")] None = 10

It used for delta orders.

PeggedBench = 15
PeggedMid = 16
[Display(ResourceType = typeof(LocalizedStrings), Name = "AtBestPrice")] PeggedToMarket = 2

At best price.

[Display(ResourceType = typeof(LocalizedStrings), Name = "WithOffset")] Relative = 6

With offset.

[Display(ResourceType = typeof(LocalizedStrings), Name = "Variable")] Scale = 12

To be changed on price increment.

[Display(ResourceType = typeof(LocalizedStrings), Name = "StopOrderType")] Stop = 3

The stop with the market activation price.

[Display(ResourceType = typeof(LocalizedStrings), Name = "StopLimit")] StopLimit = 4

Stop with the specified activation price.

[Display(ResourceType = typeof(LocalizedStrings), Name = "Trailing")] TrailingStop = 5

Trailing stop-loss.

[Display(ResourceType = typeof(LocalizedStrings), Name = "TrailingStopLimit")] TrailingStopLimit = 8

Limit trailing stop.

[Display(ResourceType = typeof(LocalizedStrings), Name = "Volatility")] Volatility = 9


[Display(Name = "VWAP")] VolumeWeightedAveragePrice = 7