Namespace StockSharp.Diagram
- CompositionDiagramElement
Composite element.
- CompositionHelper
- CompositionLoadingContext
Loading context.
- CompositionModel<TNode, TLink>
Default implementation of ICompositionModel.
- CompositionRegistry<TNode, TLink>
Default ICompositionRegistry implementation.
- CopyPasteContext
Copy paste context.
- DebuggerSyncObject
The synchronization object for the composite elements debugger.
- DiagramConstants
- DiagramDebugger
The debugger of the diagram composite element.
- DiagramElement
The diagram element.
- DiagramElementParamHelper
Extension class for IDiagramElementParam.
- DiagramElementParam<T>
The diagram element parameter.
- DiagramExternalAttribute
Attribute, applied to methods or parameters, to create input socket.
- DiagramExternalElement
Element uses external code.
- DiagramSocket
- DiagramSocketBreakpoint
DiagramSocket breakpoint.
- DiagramSocketType
Connection type.
- DiagramSocketValue
The value for the connection.
- DiagramStrategy
The strategy whose algorithm is presented in the form of a diagram.
- DummyCompositionModelBehavior
Dummy implementation of ICompositionModelBehavior<TNode, TLink>.
- DummyCompositionModelLink
Dummy implementation of ICompositionModelLink.
- DummyCompositionModelNode
Dummy implementation of ICompositionModelNode.
- ICompositionRegistryExtensions
ICompositionRegistry extension methods.
- INameEditorConstants
INameEditor constants.
- OrderConditionSettings
Conditional settings.
- VirtualPropertyRegistry
Extra properties registry.
- ICompositionModelLink
- ICompositionModelNode
- ICompositionRegistry
The storage of composite elements.
- IDiagramElementParam
The diagram element parameter.
- INameEditor
Interface describes name editor with reset option.
- IUndoManager
Undo/redo manager.
- IUndoableEdit
This interface specifies how a document change (an edit).
- DiagramSocketDirection
Directions of connections.
- ModelChange
An enumeration of the predefined ways in which models may be changed.
- StaticSocketIds
Socket ids for static sockets.