Namespace StockSharp.Charting
- ChartingInterfacesExtensions
Extension class for IChart.
- DummyChartBuilder
Dummy implementation of IChartBuilder.
- IChartExtensions
IChart extensions.
- IAnnotationData
Used to transfer annotation draw data.
- IChart
The interface for work with the chart.
- IChartActiveOrdersElement
The chart element representing active orders.
- IChartAnnotation
- IChartArea
Chart area.
- IChartAxis
The chart axis.
- IChartBandElement
The chart element representing a band.
- IChartBuilder
The interface for build chart parts.
- IChartCandleElement
The chart element representing a candle.
- IChartDrawData
Chart drawing data.
- IChartDrawData.IChartDrawDataItem
Chart drawing data item.
- IChartElement
The interface that describes the chart element (indicator, candle, etc.).
- IChartIndicatorElement
The chart element representing the indicator.
- IChartIndicatorPainter
The interface describing the indicator renderer on the chart (for example, lines, histograms, etc.).
- IChartIndicatorPainterProvider
The interface describing the IChartIndicatorPainter provider.
- IChartLineElement
The chart element representing a line.
- IChartOrderElement
The chart element representing orders.
- IChartPart<T>
The interfaces that describes the part of the chart.
- IChartTradeElement
The chart element representing trades.
- IChartTransactionElement
The interface that describes the Orders Or Trades chart element.
- IChartVolatilitySmileElement
The chart element representing a volatility smile.
- IThemeableChart
Base interface for all chart components.
- AnnotationCoordinateMode
Enumeration constants to define the Coordinate mode used to place an annotation.
- ChartAnnotationTypes
The annotations types.
- ChartAxisType
Chart axes types.
- ChartCandleDrawStyles
Styles of the candles chart drawing.
- ChartOrderDisplayFilter
Orders display filter.
- LabelPlacement
Enumeration constants to define label placement.
- LineChartStyles
Equity curve chart drawing styles.