Namespace StockSharp.Algo.Storages
- BaseMarketDataDrive
The base implementation IMarketDataDrive.
- BasketMarketDataStorage<TMessage>
The aggregator-storage, allowing to load data simultaneously from several market data storages.
- BufferMessageAdapter
Buffered message adapter.
- CacheableMarketDataStorage
Cacheable IMarketDataStorage.
- CsvExtendedInfoStorage
Extended info storage, used csv files.
- CsvNativeIdStorage
CSV security native identifier storage.
- CsvPortfolioMessageAdapterProvider
CSV implementation of IPortfolioMessageAdapterProvider.
- CsvSecurityMappingStorage
CSV security identifier mappings storage.
- CsvSecurityMessageAdapterProvider
CSV implementation of ISecurityMessageAdapterProvider.
- DriveCache
IMarketDataDrive cache.
- InMemoryMarketDataStorage<T>
The storage, generating data in the process of operation.
- InMemoryNativeIdStorage
In memory security native identifier storage.
- InMemoryPortfolioMessageAdapterProvider
In memory implementation of IPortfolioMessageAdapterProvider.
- InMemoryPositionStorage
In memory implementation of IPositionStorage.
- InMemorySecurityMappingStorage
In memory security identifier mappings storage.
- InMemorySecurityMessageAdapterProvider
In memory implementation of ISecurityMessageAdapterProvider.
- InMemorySecurityStorage
In memory implementation of ISecurityStorage.
- LocalMarketDataDrive
The file storage for market data.
- RemoteMarketDataDrive
Remote storage of market data working via RemoteStorageClient.
- SnapshotRegistry
Snapshot storage registry.
- StorageBuffer
Storage buffer.
- StorageCoreSettings
Storage settings.
- StorageExchangeInfoProvider
The storage based provider of stocks and trade boards.
- StorageHelper
Extension class for storage.
- StorageMessageAdapter
Storage based message adapter.
- StorageMetaInfoMessageAdapter
Meta-info storage based message adapter.
- StorageProcessor
Storage processor.
- StorageRegistry
The storage of market data.
- IBasketMarketDataStorageEnumerable<TMessage>
The aggregator-storage enumerator.
- IBasketMarketDataStorageInnerList
The interface, describing a list of embedded storages of market data.
- IEntityMarketDataStorage<TEntity, TMessage>
The interface, describing the storage of market data (ticks, order books etc.).
- IEntityRegistry
The interface describing the trade objects storage.
- IExtendedInfoStorage
Extended info storage.
- IExtendedInfoStorageItem
Extended info storage.
- IMappingMessageAdapterProvider<TKey>
The mapping message adapter's provider interface.
- IMarketDataDrive
The interface, describing the storage (database, file etc.).
- IMarketDataMetaInfo
Meta-information on data for one day.
- IMarketDataSerializer
The serializer.
- IMarketDataSerializer<TData>
The serializer.
- IMarketDataStorage
The interface, describing the storage of market data (ticks, order books etc.).
- IMarketDataStorageDrive
The interface, describing the storage, associated with IMarketDataStorage.
- IMarketDataStorage<TMessage>
The interface, describing the storage of market data (ticks, order books etc.).
- IMessageStorageRegistry
The interface describing the storage of market data.
- INativeIdStorage
Security native identifier storage.
- IPortfolioMessageAdapterProvider
The portfolio based message adapter's provider interface.
- IPositionStorage
The interface for access to the position storage.
- ISecurityMappingStorage
Security identifier mappings storage.
- ISecurityMessageAdapterProvider
The security based message adapter's provider interface.
- ISecurityStorage
The interface for access to the storage of information on instruments.
- ISnapshotSerializer<TKey, TMessage>
The interface for serialize snapshots.
- ISnapshotStorage
The interface for access to the storage of snapshot prices.
- ISnapshotStorage<TKey, TMessage>
The interface for access to the storage of snapshot prices.
- IStorageEntityList<T>
The interface for presentation in the form of list of trade objects, received from the external storage.
- IStoragePositionList
The interface for access to the position storage.
- IStorageRegistry
The interface describing the storage of market data.
- IStorageSecurityList
The interface for access to the instrument storage.
- StorageFormats
Format types.
- StorageModes
Storage modes.