Namespace Ecng.Xaml.Converters
- BoolToVisibilityConverter
bool to Visibility converter.
- ColorToBrushConverter
Color to SolidColorBrush converter.
- ComboBoxEditValueConverter<T>
DevExpress.Xpf.Editors.ComboBoxEdit value converter.
- ConcatMultiValueConverter
Concat values into single string converter.
- CountryIdToFlagImageSourceConverter
Country id to country flag converter.
- CountryIdToNameConverter
Country id to country name converter.
- DefaultAsNullConverter<T>
Convert default value to null.
- DictionaryConverter
Get value by key from the specified IDictionary converter.
- DrawingColorToBrushConverter
Color to SolidColorBrush converter.
- EnumDisplayNameConverter
Enum to display name converter.
- FileSizeConverter
File size to human readable text converter.
- FormattingMultiConverter
String formatting converter.
- IndexerConverter
Get value by index from the specified IList converter.
- InverseBooleanConverter
Inverse bool value converter.
- NullToVisibilityConvertor
null (or Empty) to Visibility converter.
- TimeConverter
DateTimeOffset or DateTime converter to a specified time zone.
- UriToImageSourceConverter
Converts pack URI to image source. Supports svg and png.
- VisibilityToBoolConverter
Visibility to bool converter.