Namespace Ecng.Common
- AllocationArray<T>
Represents a dynamically resizing array allocation.
- ArrayHelper
Utility class for common array operations.
- AsyncHelper
Provides helper methods for asynchronous operations, including cancellation support, task conversion, and exception handling.
- AttributeHelper
Provides helper methods for working with custom attributes including caching support.
- BaseOperator<T>
Provides a base implementation for arithmetic operators.
- ByteOperator
Implements arithmetic operations for byte values.
- CloneHelper
Provides helper methods for performing cloning operations on objects that implement the ICloneable interface.
- CloneHelper.CloneWithoutUI
Represents a marker helper class indicating that UI-related parts should be excluded during cloning.
- Cloneable<T>
The base class for objects that can be cloned.
- CompareHelper
Provides helper methods for comparing various types including IPAddress, Type, object, and Version.
- ConsoleHelper
Provides helper methods for writing colored messages to the console and reading secure passwords.
- ConversionHelper2
Provides extension methods for working with endpoints (IP and DNS) and byte arrays.
- Converter
The converter class.
- CryptoAttribute
The member marked as associated with crypto currency.
- CsvFileCommon
Common base class for CSV reader and writer classes.
- CsvFileReader
Class for reading from comma-separated-value (CSV) files
- CsvFileWriter
Class for writing to comma-separated-value (CSV) files.
- Currency
- CurrencyHelper
Extension class for Currency.
- DateTimeOffsetOperator
Implements arithmetic operations for DateTimeOffset values.
- DateTimeOperator
Implements arithmetic operations for DateTime values.
- DecimalOperator
Implements arithmetic operations for decimal numbers.
- DelegateHelper
Provides helper methods for working with delegates.
- Disposable
Provides a base class for implementing the dispose pattern. This class helps manage the disposal of managed and native resources.
- DisposableHelper
Provides helper methods for creating and managing disposable objects.
- Do
Provides utility methods to execute functions and actions under the invariant culture.
- DoubleOperator
Implements arithmetic operations for double-precision floating-point numbers.
- DumpableStream
Represents a stream wrapper that records all data read from and written to the underlying stream.
- DuplicateException
Represents an exception that is thrown when a duplicate operation is performed.
- Enumerable<T>
Represents an abstract enumerable collection of elements.
- Enumerator
Provides extension methods and utilities for enum types.
- Equatable<T>
Provides a base implementation for objects that support equality, comparison, and cloning.
- ExpiredException
Represents an exception that is thrown when an operation is attempted on an expired object or state.
- FastActivator<T>
Fast alternative to Activator.CreateInstance<T> for reference types with default constructor
- FastCsvReader
Provides fast CSV reading capabilities from various input sources.
- FastDateTimeParser
Provides methods to parse and format date and time strings using a fast custom parser.
- FastEmitNotSupported
FastActivator<T> isn't supported.
- FastTimeSpanParser
Provides high-performance parsing and formatting of TimeSpan values based on a specified template.
- FileExts
File extensions.
- FileSizes
Provides constant values for file size units.
- FileSizesExtensions
Provides extension methods for converting file sizes between bytes, kilobytes, and megabytes.
- FloatOperator
Implements arithmetic operations for floating-point numbers.
- ForbiddenException
Exception thrown when an operation is forbidden.
- HexEncoding
Summary description for HexEncoding.
- IOHelper
Provides helper methods for file and directory operations.
- IdGenerator
Base identifier generator.
- IncrementalIdGenerator
Identifier generator that automatically increments the identifier by 1.
- IntOperator
Implements arithmetic operations for integers.
- LockedException
Represents the exception that is thrown when an operation is attempted on a locked resource.
- LongOperator
Implements arithmetic operations for long integers.
- MathHelper
Provides various mathematical helper methods and extension methods for numeric types.
- MillisecondIdGenerator
Identifier generator based on milliseconds. Each subsequent call to GetNextId() returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since the instance was created.
- MillisecondIncrementalIdGenerator
Identifier generator based on automatic incrementation where the initial value is the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start of the day.
- NtpClient
Provides functionality to retrieve time from a remote NTP server.
- NullableEx<T>
Represents a wrapper for nullable types that can be serialized.
- NullableHelper
Provides helper extension methods for working with nullable types.
- OperatingSystemEx
Provides operating system related helper methods and properties.
- PlatformHelper
Provides helper methods for Platforms.
- RandomArray<T>
Provides functionality to generate a random array of values of type T.
- RandomGen
Provides methods for generating random values of various types.
- RefFive<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth, TFifth>
Represents a quintuple of reference values.
- RefPair<TFirst, TSecond>
Represents a pair of reference values.
- RefQuadruple<TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TFourth>
Represents a quadruple of reference values.
- RefTriple<TFirst, TSecond, TThird>
Represents a triple of reference values.
- RefTuple
Provides factory methods to create reference tuples.
- ResettableTimer
Represents a timer that can be reset and activated repeatedly. The timer executes the Elapsed event periodically based on the specified period.
- SByteOperator
Implements arithmetic operations for signed byte values.
- Scope<T>
Provides a scope for managing a resource with automatic disposal.
- ShortOperator
Implements arithmetic operations for short integers.
- SimpleResettableTimer
Represents a simple timer that can be reset. When the timer period elapses without a reset, the Elapsed event is invoked.
- StringHelper
Provides helper methods for string operations.
- SyncObject
Provides a synchronization object that encapsulates thread synchronization mechanisms using Monitor.
- TargetPlatformAttribute
Features attribute.
- ThreadingHelper
Provides helper methods for thread and timer operations.
- TickIdGenerator
Identifier generator that uses the current UTC ticks as the identifier.
- TickIncrementalIdGenerator
Identifier generator that starts at the current UTC ticks and increments by 1 for each call.
- TimeHelper
Provides various helper methods and properties for working with dates, times, and time offsets.
- TimeSpanOperator
Implements arithmetic operations for TimeSpan values.
- TooManyException
Represents an exception that is thrown when an operation encounters too many elements.
- TupleHelper
Provides helper methods for working with tuple types.
- TypeHelper
Provides helper methods for working with types and related operations.
- UIntOperator
Implements arithmetic operations for unsigned integers.
- ULongOperator
Implements arithmetic operations for unsigned long integers.
- UShortOperator
Implements arithmetic operations for unsigned short integers.
- UTCIncrementalIdGenerator
Identifier generator based on automatic incrementation starting from the current Unix time in seconds (UTC).
- UTCMillisecondIdGenerator
Identifier generator based on the current Unix time in milliseconds (UTC).
- UTCMlsIncrementalIdGenerator
Identifier generator based on automatic incrementation starting from the current Unix time in milliseconds (UTC).
- UTCSecondIdGenerator
Identifier generator based on the current Unix time in seconds (UTC).
- Watch
Provides utility methods for timing the execution of code.
- Wrapper<T>
Represents an abstract wrapper class for a value of type
that supports equality, cloning, and disposal.
- XmlHelper
Provides helper extension methods for working with XML elements, attributes, and XML strings.
- MathHelper.DecimalInfo
Represents detailed information about a decimal value.
- ICloneable<T>
Defines a method that creates a new object that is a deep copy of the current instance.
- IOperable<T>
Provides operations for performing arithmetic calculations on objects of type T.
- IOperator
Provides basic arithmetic operations and comparison functionality.
- IOperator<T>
Provides strongly-typed arithmetic operations and comparison functionality.
- IRefTuple
Represents a reference tuple with enumerable object values.
- ISmartPointer
Represents a smart pointer that uses reference counting to manage resource lifetimes.
- ITypeConstructor
Provides a mechanism for creating instances of a type using specified constructor arguments.
- ComparisonOperator
Represents the method for comparing two parameter values.
- CountryCodes
Enumerates country codes corresponding to various countries, territories and regions.
- CurrencyTypes
Currency type.
- EmptyLineBehavior
Determines how empty lines are interpreted when reading CSV files. These values do not affect empty lines that occur within quoted fields or empty lines that appear at the end of the input file.
- LunarPhases
Represents the phase of the moon.
- Platforms
Enumeration for representing supported platform types.